Terms of use

Last change: 08.04.2021


Scope of application and provider

Please read these conditions carefully before using the website CodesFree.de, CodesFree.fr, CodesFree.es and CodesFree.net (operated by Maximilian Koch, Oberwiesenstr 21D, 60435 Frankfurt, Germany), hereinafter also referred to as "Service", "Services", "us", "we", "CodesFree".

The use of CodesFree's services is based on these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these conditions, you may not use this service.

These terms and conditions apply to all registered users and non-registered visitors.


CodesFree offers registered users the opportunity to participate in campaigns of CodesFree's advertising customers and receive virtual currency ("points") in return. Collected points can be paid out above certain thresholds. Payouts are described on the website depending on the type, in particular in the form of fees and time of execution.


Availability of the service

CodesFree does not guarantee the availability of the service. There is no legal entitlement to operation and access to the service.

If the service is discontinued, CodesFree will inform all users on the CodesFree.net website about how any remaining credit can be paid out. A payout will only be made if the credit balance is more than 1 euro at the time of discontinuation. If the service is discontinued, the payout will only be made by SEPA bank transfer.


Formation of the contract

The contractual language of the GTC is German. Any documents made available in other languages are provided for ease of understanding only and are in no way legally binding.

By registering, the user confirms that he has carefully read and understood the terms of use and agrees to them.


Participation in campaigns

CodesFree displays commission-based advertising offers "campaigns" from companies affiliated with CodesFree and from CodesFree customers on its website. CodesFree customers can obtain the advertising offers from other companies and consumers at their own discretion.

The provider of the campaign is recognizable on the referring website in accordance with the legal provisions of the provider's headquarters.

Depending on the type of campaign, the user can enter into a separate contractual relationship with the provider. This contractual relationship is defined in further conditions. In such a case, the additional contractual relationship does not exist with CodesFree.

CodesFree receives a commission upon successful completion of a campaign, which is credited to the credit account in the form of a virtual currency in accordance with the presentation on the website, if they meet the conditions of participation described in the section "Conditions of participation".


Requirements for participation

CodesFree credits the user who participates in a commission-based campaign with virtual currency if the user has provided honest, consistent and valid information without exception in order to earn the commission. Participations that cannot be valid due to the nature of the participation, because the speed of participation does not allow for a genuine engagement with the campaign, will not be remunerated. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all campaigns can only be carried out once and for the first time. The first-time nature will be determined at the sole discretion of CodesFree or the advertising partner, who may delegate this task to other companies.

Users will only be remunerated for participating in campaigns if they personally complete the campaign on their own devices. The user may not be a bot or a computer-generated user and may not explicitly use any programs or VPNs to circumvent these restrictions or otherwise gain an advantage over other users. If payment is required from the user in order to participate, this must be made in good time. If payment is not made on time, participation will not be remunerated.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, participation will only be remunerated if any contract concluded is terminated no earlier than 48 hours after participation.

CodesFree, its advertising partners or the provider of the campaign will determine the fulfillment of the requirements for participation at their own discretion.

Commissions on CodesFree are a voluntary additional service to the conclusion of a contract with the provider of the campaign, to which there is no legal entitlement.


Participation not recorded

All participations in campaigns are automatically recorded by the campaign provider if they meet the participation requirements as described in "Participation requirements".

The user must ensure that they have a stable internet connection and do not use VPNs or proxies. In addition, they must use an up-to-date Internet browser that can store third-party cookies. The user must ensure that all cookies and fingerprinting from other websites that are necessary for the use of the campaign are accepted in order to ensure that participation is recorded correctly. In addition, the user must ensure that they do not use any programs or extensions that restrict the collection of participation, including but not limited to: AdBlockers.

If the user can prove that they have fulfilled the requirements for participation as described in "Requirements for participation", but no participation has been recorded, the user must contact the CodesFree advertising partner through which the participation took place. The advertising partner will reach an agreement with the user and provider of the campaign in accordance with its own terms and conditions.

If participation takes place directly via the advertising partner CodesFree, the user can contact CodesFree to request a follow-up investigation. CodesFree will check the participation with the advertising partner or provider of the campaign within a maximum of 90 working days and credit the virtual currency manually if necessary. No interest will be paid during this period.


Participation with particular risk potential.

CodesFree uses external service providers and its own data to classify participations according to the risk of fraud. The classification is carried out at our own discretion.

CodesFree provides appropriate measures depending on the risk of fraud to ensure that participation complies with the conditions of participation. Measures may include, but are not limited to: Requesting identification as defined in "Confirmation of User Accounts and Transactions", delaying payout by up to 90 business days, delaying payout until the advertiser confirms that participation meets the requirements.


Requirements for user accounts

CodesFree offers the option of registering for a user account on the website by entering at least your own e-mail address and a password.

Each natural person may create and use a maximum of one user account on CodesFree. If this user account is blocked, deleted or restricted, this limit is not reset: in this case, the user may not create a new account on CodesFree.

Every CodesFree user must use their own device for access.

CodesFree determines at its own discretion whether a user already has other user accounts on CodesFree and can restrict, deactivate or delete these in the event of a breach of these GTC. In this case, there is no entitlement to payment of the collected commission.

CodesFree reserves the right to request confirmation of use, creation or payment from the user. The confirmation is defined in the section "Confirmation of user accounts and transactions".

If a user uses several accounts on CodesFree contrary to the provisions of these GTC, CodesFree reserves the right not to pay out all of the user's participations and to invoice the user in full with the remuneration amount of the advertising partner.

In addition, CodesFree reserves the right in these cases to charge a flat rate for the creation of the account for each additional account created, which includes costs for identification and any additional services used by CodesFree that are necessary for the use of the website.

Before this flat rate is charged, the user will be informed by CodesFree by e-mail, in particular about the exact amount. The flat rate is a maximum of 50 euros (incl. 19% VAT) per user account created by the user. The user must ensure that he receives emails from CodesFree.


Confirmation of user accounts and transactions

CodesFree offers selected users the opportunity to confirm their own user account or participation in campaigns. By confirming, the user can prove that they only have one account on CodesFree. In addition, the user states with the confirmation that they have taken part in all campaigns to the best of their knowledge and belief and that in particular the circumstances described in "Conditions of participation" apply to their own participation.

Confirmation by identification is carried out by means of an official identification document by an external service provider. In this case, CodesFree stores in particular the following data of the ID card, which can also be used for the collection of claims in accordance with the paragraph "Collection of claims": ID card number, issuing authority, validity, date of birth, place of birth, surname and first name, address.

CodesFree carries out additional checks on users at its own discretion, for example by confirming the cell phone number.


Collection of receivables

If a user has not participated in a campaign in accordance with the paragraph "Conditions of participation", CodesFree, the provider of the campaign and all associated advertising partners reserve the right to cancel commissions within a maximum of 6 ("six") months after the commission has been credited to the user's credit account.

If the user has already made a withdrawal of the virtual currency and offsetting against the remaining confirmed account balance is possible, CodesFree will contact the user by email and request a refund of the commission plus a reimbursement of the loss. The refund is to be paid according to the due date of the invoice, but no earlier than 7 working days after receipt of the invoice.

CodesFree reserves the right to collect the lump sum defined in the paragraph "Requirements for user accounts" in accordance with this paragraph.

CodesFree may use the user's data stored by CodesFree to the full extent for the collection of the claim. This includes, in particular, data specified in paragraph

"Confirmation of user accounts and transactions".

If the user falls into arrears, CodesFree is free to commission an external debt collection service provider with the claim or to carry out the dunning procedure independently. Any costs incurred shall be borne by the user.


Virtual currency

Users can receive virtual currency ("points") on CodesFree for participating. The virtual currency will not be paid out in cash.

As soon as the user has enough points, they can redeem them for gift vouchers, prepaid cards or other rewards shown. The points are converted into fiat money after the value of the reward has been displayed on the corresponding subpage, which is displayed after logging in to CodesFree.

CodesFree does not guarantee that every reward will be available immediately. If a reward is not immediately available, CodesFree will offer the user alternatives or send the selected reward by email within 7 working days.


Legal obligations of the user

The user must check for himself whether he is obliged to pay taxes at his place of residence for withdrawals from CodesFree and pay them.

CodesFree is not responsible or liable for any tax liabilities arising from the use of CodesFree.

If the user is obliged to disclose revenue and income to the authorities, the user must ensure that he obtains an assessment of whether payments from CodesFree are to be regarded as revenue or income and declare the amount to the authorities.


Changes to the terms of use

CodesFree reserves the right to change the terms of use. CodesFree will inform users of the change 7 days before the new terms of use come into force.

If a user does not agree to the new terms of use, he/she will no longer be able to use CodesFree after they come into force.